"Shame and Scandal in Weiler Families"
Wow, it's real, a shame for our weiler families
Wow, it's real, a shame for our weiler families

In Weil on rhine, there were two families, much confusion in both of these
There were some mamas and some papas and some kids who were grown
All wanted to deal and to win on their own
One son found a depot, who suited him nice
He went to his papa to ask his advice
His papa said son, I have to say no
That depot is mine but your mama don't know
Wow, it's real, a shame, for weil don't get some DVD's
Wow, it's real, a shame, feel sorry for the families

A season went by and the money went down
Another portale at blitztrade was found
He went to his papa, and did his pray
His papa shook his head and to him he did say
You can't take that portale, I have to say no
It belongs to your sister, but your mama don't know
wow, it's real, shame they get no further DVD's
wow, it's real, a shame for all of weiler families

He went to his mama, and thought what he said
And told his mama, what his papa had said
His mama she laughed she says, go man go
Your daddy ain't your daddy, but your daddy don't know
Wow, it's real, shame and scandal in the family
Wow, it's real, shame and scandal in the family

Wow, it's real, now Weil can get a lot of DVD's
Ooh [oh], it's real, because of shame and scandal in their families
Ooh [oh], it's real, because of shame and scandal in their families [mmmh]
Ooh, it's real...
[fade out]

20.03. (eff/bo/he/vj)

Vor Sektenkongreß: Musikkapelle mit Verkaufserfolg
Die bloße Erwähnung im vorläufigen Programmheft des angekündigten Kongresses der totalitären Kuttenträgersekte bescherte einer bislang völlig unbekannten (und nach Meinung von Musikfachjournalisten auch gänzlich untalentierten) Musikkapelle einen überraschenden kommerziellen Erfolg durch den Verkauf ihrer Debüt-DVD "Grottoreggae": Die Amateur-Musikanten, welche sich "Schorsch Marley and the Weilers" nennen, sollen lt. Programmheft für akustische Kulisse während des Kongresses sorgen und in einem separaten Zelt abtrünnige oder aufmüpfige Sektenmitglieder durch Zwangskonzerte disziplinieren, doch ihr Coup im Vorfeld der Veranstaltung nötigt selbst Marketingfachleuten Respekt ab:
Über Nacht wurde die im Selbstverlag hergestellte DVD in den wichtigsten Elektrofachmärkten im Bundle mit äußerst günstigen DVD-Playern palettenweise platziert, und die Gier der Konsumenten obsiegte offenkundig über den guten Geschmack. Binnen weniger Tage erklomm zudem die Single-Auskopplung "Shame and Scandal in Weiler Families" die Spitze der regionalen Charts, auf CD im Bundle mit sehr preiswerten CD-Playern angeboten. Die Stimme der Revolution druckt als erste freie Publikation den Text des Überraschungshits ab, weltexklusiv (siehe li.).

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